Vaginal infections – updates on diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities

20 April, 2023, kl: 19:15 - 20.30 (CET)
Prof. Dr. Dr. Alex Farr, MPH, Medical University Vienna, Austria
Gynekolog / Allmänläkare

BV, candidosis and more – vaginal infections present a variety of different diseases, each of them challenging for patients and doctors. What is the underlying cause of vaginal infections? Which symptoms are mostly presented by patients and how can some of these infections be distinguished from one another reading those symptoms?

For a deeper understanding of these questions, Prof. Dr. Farr from the Medical University in Vienna will briefly touch on those subjects in that webinar, followed by a more comprehensive overview of diagnostic and treatment options for vaginal infections. Which treatments are currently used? Which new treatment approaches can be expected?

Follow this webinar to get updated on current and future treatment options. For questions, the Speaker will be available after the Webinar.


  • Background on vaginal infections
  • Differences and similarities in terms of etiology and symptoms
  • Diagnostics of vaginal infections
  • Current treatment options
  • New treatments (outlook)
  • Quiz
  • Q&A

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dr. Alex Farr, MPH, Medical University Vienna, Austria

Credits for Swiss Gynecologists (SGGG) will be applied for. International credits can only be applied by participants retrospectively.


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